By: Amber Hopkins

Together, let’s raise our cups high, toasting to the flavors, the journeys and the cherished moments that coffee brings into our lives.

If you are as passionate about the world’s favorite caffeinated beverage as we are, then you’ve come to the right place. For many, coffee is viewed as a beverage that helps kick-start our day, or as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. However, coffee is more than a simple beverage — it is a celebration of the rich palette of flavors, cultures and stories that are woven into every cup.

Whether you’re a seasoned coffee connoisseur, an amateur brewer or simply someone who enjoys sipping on a comforting latte, this blog is designed with you in mind. Join us as we go beyond the beans and the brew and dive into the history, traditions and innovations that make coffee an integral part of our lives.


When we talk about coffee, we are not only referring to the type of beans used within a freshly brewed cup. We also want to take into consideration how the coffee is made and the traditions that go into it. Coffee is enjoyed in various forms across the world, and each region has its unique and significant preparations. Here are some of our favorite types of coffee from across the globe:


Espresso is the quintessential Italian preparation of coffee. Renowned for its strong flavor and rich, velvety texture, it’s typically made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee under high pressure. The result is a small, intense shot of coffee that serves a quick energy punch.

In Italy, espresso is commonly enjoyed at cafes known as “espresso bars” or a “caffè.” These establishments are social hubs where people gather to savor a quick shot of espresso, often standing at the counter for a brief and lively coffee experience. The art of making espresso has also evolved into a skillful craft, with baristas across the globe taking pride in creating the “perfect shot.”

In addition to its role in Italian coffee culture, espresso has become an international phenomenon, transcending cultural boundaries and serving as the base foundation for many more popular coffee drinks, including cappuccinos, lattes and macchiatos. Whether served in a bustling Italian espresso bar or a trendy coffee shop elsewhere in the world, the tradition of enjoying espresso continues to bring people together, celebrating the sensory pleasure derived from this small but potent cup of coffee.


If you are one who takes your coffee with a bit of milk, then you are probably already accustomed to this type of coffee. Café au lait, which translates to “coffee with milk” in French, is a simple yet classic coffee preparation. It involves mixing equal parts of brewed coffee and hot or steamed milk, resulting in a creamy and mildly caffeinated beverage. ​​In France, café au lait is commonly enjoyed at breakfast or during leisurely moments throughout the day by itself or paired with a fresh baked croissant or other pastry to enhance the overall experience.

As one of the classics, it only makes sense that many cultures have their own similar version of coffee with milk. Café au lait is not confined to France; it has found its way into the hearts of coffee enthusiasts around the world. In the United States, for example, a similar drink is often referred to as a “white coffee” or more simply put “coffee with cream.” Whether sipped at a charming Parisian café or in the comfort of one’s home, the simplicity and warmth of café au lait continues to make it a timeless choice for those seeking a delightful fusion of coffee and milk.


Turkish coffee is a beloved tradition in Turkey and the wider Middle East with a rich history that dates back 500 years. It’s known for its strong, rich flavor and extremely fine coffee grounds, but what really sets it apart is the preparation method. The beans, which are often roasted with cardamom for added flavor, are ground finer than most espresso beans and when making the coffee, more water is used. Water, sugar, if preferred, and the grinds are combined into a copper or bronze pot called a “cezve” or “ibrik,” where they cook together until a wonderful foam forms atop. The result is a thick, unfiltered coffee with a strong and robust flavor.

Unlike the fast paced grab-and-go beverages Americans are used to, coffee in Turkey is considered a cherished social activity, where it is meant to be sipped and savored, while you connect with friends and family. The coffee is served in small cups, and is often accompanied with a glass of water and a sweet treat.

There is also a tradition of fortune-telling using the coffee grounds left at the bottom of the cup. After finishing the coffee, the drinker turns their cup upside down and lets the coffee grounds create patterns, which are then interpreted to reveal insights into one’s future. This blending of ancient brewing methods, social rituals and a touch of mysticism makes Turkish coffee a truly unique and cultural experience for the renowned coffee lover.


Café de Olla is a delightful Mexican coffee tradition, rooted in the country’s rich cultural heritage. When translated, it means “coffee from the pot.” It’s made by simmering ground coffee with cinnamon sticks, piloncillo (a type of unrefined whole cane sugar), and sometimes orange peel, star anise or cloves. The coffee is prepared in a clay or earthenware pot called an “olla,” which helps give the beverage its distinct flavor. This type of preparation infuses the coffee with indigenous Mexican ingredients, pulling from the influence of Spanish colonial traditions, to create a culturally diverse drink that is slightly sweet with a kiss of warm spice.

Café de olla is typically made in batches and served during festive occasions, celebrations and community events, where the gathering of family and friends is encouraged. For those seeking a departure from their ordinary coffee, café de olla invites you to embark on a truly unique yet rewarding tasting experience.


Vietnamese coffee is a delightful blend of strong, dark roast coffee that is prepared using a small metal drip filter known as a “phin.” Condensed milk is often added to the brewed coffee, creating a sweet, creamy and bold concoction. The beverage can be consumed as is and is called “Cà phê sữa nóng.” However, many of us are familiar with the more popular “cà phê sữa đá” version which is served over ice, a refreshing choice considering Vietnam’s more tropical climate. Either way, the combination of bitter coffee and sweet condensed milk creates a harmonious flavor that has won over many taste buds.

In Vietnam, the preparation and enjoyment of coffee is meant to be a leisurely and communal experience, and integral part of life. You’ll usually find individuals gathered in local cafes called “cà phê” where individuals sit, unwind and share their stories from the day – perhaps, an inspiration to all of us to sit, sip and enjoy our coffee a little more.


Ethiopian Yirgacheffe is a renowned and highly sought-after coffee originating from the Yirgacheffe region in Ethiopia, which is often considered the birthplace of coffee. The exceptional and esteemed flavor profile is attributed to the high elevation and extremely fertile soil of Yirgacheffe and also to the sun-dried processing of the beans, which produces bright, yet distinct floral and citrus notes.

In Ethiopia, coffee isn’t just a beverage; it’s a cultural experience that holds significant value and meaning. Ethiopians participate in a ceremony known as “Bunna,” a coffee ritual that involves roasting green coffee beans, grinding them and brewing the coffee in front of guests. The coffee is then served in small cups, with a touch of sugar, but no milk. The ceremony itself is a social event that fosters community and conversation, and is representative of the hospitality of Ethiopian culture.  

From the rich and robust Turkish coffee to the mellow elegance of French café au lait, and the refreshing Vietnamese iced coffee, every cup tells a story of the people who have embraced coffee as an integral part of their daily lives. The world’s love affair with coffee is an ongoing saga, with each region contributing its unique chapter to the story. So, whether you’re a coffee aficionado or a casual drinker, there’s always a new coffee experience waiting to be discovered and a new cup waiting to be savored.

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